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Creating a Safer City: How ITS Can Enhance Safety



September 4, 2024

Bikes, pedestrians, and cars don’t always mix well, especially in high-density urban environments. The good news is that intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are revolutionizing how we manage traffic and enhance safety for all road users.

From reducing congestion and getting unsafe vehicles off the road to optimizing routes and improving driver behavior, here are a few ways our intelligent transportation systems are improving safety for everyone sharing our streets.

What Are Intelligent Transportation Systems?

Intelligent transportation systems rely on sensors and cameras to gather information about a vehicle’s location, mechanical health, and driver behavior.

This data is useful, as it holds drivers accountable, reduces congestion, and helps prevent mechanical failures that could have been avoided with regular maintenance.

Intelligent transportation systems also offer urban safety solutions that improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. Here’s how.

Diagnosing Mechanical Issues

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 20% of accidents are caused by poor vehicle maintenance. This is where intelligent transportation systems come into play.

Intelligent transportation systems integrate a network of sensors and diagnostic tools specifically designed to monitor critical vehicle systems.

These tools monitor the health of the vehicle. For example, they may collect data on tire pressure, brake wear, engine performance, and fluid levels. This real-time information is then analyzed by ITS, ensuring that potential mechanical issues are detected before they malfunction and cause accidents.

Keeping Drivers In Check

Intelligent transportation systems can also gather real-time data about city or commercial vehicle locations and driving habits.

For example, if a driver is constantly speeding or making abrupt stops, fleet managers will receive a notification. They can then contact the driver or schedule additional safety training. This smart city technology for safety and real-time monitoring can reduce the risk of accidents, especially in urban areas with high pedestrian traffic.

Reducing Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion isn't just annoying—it is also distracting and dangerous. When drivers are caught in congestion, they often pass the time by looking at their cell phones or making risky moves like switching lanes and driving on the shoulder of the road.

This not only puts other drivers at risk but also jeopardizes the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.

Intelligent transportation systems curb these behaviors by alerting drivers with real-time traffic information through mobile apps or onboard systems. This allows drivers to make decisions about their routes on the fly and potentially avoid congested areas altogether.

Optimizing Routes

Intelligent transportation systems can also improve pedestrian and cyclist safety by optimizing routes for vehicles. For example, when an ITS system receives real-time data about high concentrations of pedestrians or cyclists from one driver, it can alert other drivers and give them time to reroute.

This data improves cyclist and pedestrian safety and can inform city planners about recurring issues, giving them the information they need to improve crosswalks and bike lanes or adjust traffic light timing in risky areas.

Keeping America Safe and Moving Forward

Our work is technical, but our mission is as straightforward as it gets—to make the world a safer, more productive place by making valuable information readily available to the people who need it. That’s what we’ve been doing since we founded XenaTech. Whether you need to optimize your commercial trucking fleet, develop a custom application, or explore intelligent transportation, we can help. Contact us today!

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